Plant-based foods can be an excellent choice for those looking to manage their health and fitness. Whether you’re looking to cut calories or boost protein, there’s most likely a plant-based approach that fits your needs. Learn more about the various options by exploring the categories below.
High ProteinOne of the most challenging aspects of adhering to a plant-based diet is finding foods that are high in protein. In this section we’ll be exploring various high-protein plant foods, such as beans, lentils, nuts, and more. |
Low CarbAlthough plant-based foods tend to be high in carbohydrates, there are options available for those looking to follow low-carb or “Keto” diets. Learn more about which foods are and aren’t low-carb, as well as how they compare nutritionally, in this section. |
Plant-Based Foods For Getting In Shape
It’s no secret that plant-based foods offer much in terms of nutrition, but they can also help you reach your fitness goals. Whole plant foods tend to be more satiating because of how lower in calories and high in fiber they are. What’s more, many plant-based foods and ingredients can be used as natural supplements.
Nut Butter With The Most Protein
Did you know that peanut butter has the most protein per serving of any nut butter? Nut-based butters and spreads can help you reach your daily protein needs on a plant-based diet.
Read on to see the full list, ranked from highest to lowest protein.
100+ High Protein Plant-Based Foods
Plant-based diets are often critiqued for having insufficient protein. This can be a challenge for athletes and exercise enthusiasts alike.
Check out our comprehensive list of plant-based protein to help recover from your next workout.
Check out our complete catalog of articles about plant-based nutrition and how it can be incorporated into a healthy and fit lifestyle: