This article was verified for accuracy by Stephanie Wells, MS, RD, ACSM-CPT on March 10th, 2023 Beans come in many shapes, sizes and colors; and they vary in more than just appearance as well....
Category: Legumes
Beans come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. Regardless of variety though, they serve as an excellent source of plant-based protein, health-promoting fiber, and countless vitamins and minerals. What...
In previous articles we've compared the differences between various types of lentils as it relates to their nutritional profile. Today, however, we'll be focusing on all of the differences between...
Red Lentil Nutrition | How They Compare To Other Lentil Varieties
The nutritional benefits of lentils is hardly news to anyone. A plant-based source of protein, fiber, and potassium, lentils make for a cheap and tasty dish that is packed with nutrition. Lentils are...
For those seeking to reduce their intake of animal-based food products, beans may seem like a suitable source of plant-based protein. Considering that the protein in beans vs meat can vary by source,...
Yellow Lentils VS Red Lentils | All Of The Differences Explained
For plant-based enthusiasts looking to boost their intake of protein, legumes -- such as beans and lentils -- are hard to beat. Two such varieties of legume that are somewhat similar are yellow...